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Welcome to Nacho's Talks, where my passion for learning, sharing knowledge, and community-building takes center stage.
Through webinars, podcasts, and in-person panel recordings, I share my experience and bring together the experiences of top industry players, fostering an environment that adds immense value to single family office managers, venture capital fund managers, and startup co-founders across the Americas.
From single family office hot topics to VC fund management, corporate venture strategies, entrepreneurship, and the impact of digital transformation, my talks cover a wide spectrum of insightful topics, promoting growth and collaboration within the industry.
Let’s work, learn, and grow together.
Sabemos que levantar capital es uno de los mayores desafíos que enfrentan las startups.
Te invito a ver la grabación de una Masterclass que dí el 3 de octubre 2024, donde compartí las estrategias clave para conseguir los fondos que necesitas para tu emprendimiento.
¿Qué puedes esperar de este Masterclass?
* Herramientas prácticas para levantar capital
* Consejos basados en mi experiencia asesorando a startups en toda Iberoamérica
* Respuestas a preguntas de la audiencia
Webinar sponsored por JTC Group & Morgan Stanley
Marcel Imery - Director - JTC Group - New York
Marina Cristiani - Head Director - JTC Group - New York
Selma Bueno - Managing Director - Morgan Stanley - New York
María Angelica Enriquez - Head - Endeavor Catalyst - New York
Claudio Barahona - Managing Director - Alaya Capital - Chile
Bradley Krack - Partner - Gunderson - San Francisco
Juan Pablo Cappello - Partner - PAG Law - Miami
Webinar sponsored by JTC Group, Baker & McKenzie and Impacta VC
Marcel Imery - Director - JTC Group - New York
Javier Ordoñez - Partner - Baker & Mckenzie - Mexico
Lorenzo Ruiz - Partner - Baker & McKenzie - Mexico
Andres Hara - Venture Partner - Impacta VC - Chile
Webinar sponsored by JTC Group, CTSW , UHY, Qurable and SDA
Marcel Imery - Director - JTC Group - New York
Patricio Garcia - CEO - Qurable - Argentina
Larry Tauber - Partner - Cohen Tauber - New York
Jerry Cohen - Partner - Cohen Tauber - New York
Morella Salazar - Partner - Salazar Dager - Miami
Roberto Macho - Partner - UHY - Miami
As founder & host of the "Startup Mentoring & Venturing" podcast I conduct insightful interviews with top family office managers, venture capital fund managers, and startup founders, sharing valuable industry insights and expertise - New York - Spanish and English
I had the pleasure of joining as their guest the incredible Taroko Talks podcast to dive deep into the world of Family Offices. We discussed everything from Single Family Offices (SFO) to Multi Family Offices (MFO) and shared insights on wealth management, tax efficiency, venture capital, entrepreneurship and more. May 2024 - Argentina - Spanish
I had the pleasure of joining as their guest the incredible The Network podcast. I talked about my legal and entrepreneurial journey, the potential of Latam for investors and startups, the challenge of raising capital, the SVB crisis and how the Venezuelan tough environment and the diaspora is and will continue to produce great founders and startups. March 2023 - Ecuador - Spanish
I had the pleasure of joining as their guest the incredible Innovación Sin Barreras podcast to dive deep into the corporate and tax structuring strategies of successful startups in Latam. July 2022 - Peru - Spanish
Ya está disponible la grabación del webinar “De la cancha a la inversión: potencia tu marca personal y asegura tu futuro financiero”.
En esta conversación con expertos compartimos herramientas clave para que atletas, agentes y clubes aprendan a proteger y hacer crecer su patrimonio más allá del deporte.
Tuve el honor de participar como speaker, abordando estrategias concretas de protección patrimonial para atletas, incluyendo planificación fiscal, estructuras legales y prevención de riesgos que pueden marcar la diferencia en el largo plazo.
Pueden ver la grabación completa en usando esta clave de acceso @WESports200325
Instituto Latinoamericano de Empresas Familiares ILAEF - 1st International Summit of Latam Family Offices - Miami USA
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Event sponsored by Cámara de Comercio Electrónico de Venezuela Cavecom-e - New York USA
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Rocio Fonseca - Directora Innova Chile - CORFO
Juan Giner - Director de ARCAP Argentina
Luis Narro - Venture Partner Alaya Capital - Perú
Event sponsored by JTC Group - Alexandria Egypt
Sailesh -Navsaria - Market Head for Africa - JTC Group - Jersey, Channel Islands
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Nick Hill - Distribution Principal - QVentures - London, UK
Brigitte Baumann - Founder - eFino - Zurich, Switzerland
Evento sponsored por IDB Lab, PECAP y la Universidad del Pacífico
Nacho Imery - CEO Nacho Imery Consulting - New York
Constanza Boix - CEO Nuda - Uruguay
Moises Venegas - CEO GCare - Chile
Sebastian Ibañez - Managing Partner Dadneo VC - Chile
Talk sobre valores, principios y el compromiso con la excelencia - Caracas Venezuela
Event sponsored by JTC Group at Technee Summit, - Alexandria Egypt
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Seilesh Navsaria - Group Director - Jersey office
Juan Pablo Capello - Partner PAG.LAW - Miami, USA
Matias Zegers - Partner DLAPipers - Santiago, Chile
Loay El-Shawarby - Principal - El-Shawarby Law - Cairo, Egypt
Event sponsored by PECAP - Lima Peru
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Fernando Sam - Baker & McKenzie Peru
Grace Tejada - Krealo
Podcast "Innovación Sin Barreras" con Jaime Sotomayor - Lima Peru
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Event sponsored by Plan País y la Red Global de la Diáspora de Venezuela
Juan Pio-Hernandez - Director Ejecutivo Plan Pais y Red Global de la Diaspora de Venezuela - Washington USA
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Teresa Lezcano - Directora Fundación Genval - Bogotá Colombia
Mariela Briceño - Directora Venprendedoras - Miami USA
Julieta Casó - Directora Guaramo - Buenos Aires Argentina
Event sponsored by Cámara de Comercio Electrónico de Venezuela Cavecom-e - Caracas Venezuela
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Kevin Charles - CEO CocoMercado
Vicente Zavarse - CEO Yummy
Event sponsored by Startup Maracay - Venezuela
Event sponsored by Cámara de Comercio Electrónico de Venezuela Cavecom-e - Caracas Venezuela
Marcel Imery - Director JTC Group New York
Samuel Galavis - Gerente de Marketplace Mercadolibre
Leon Salazar - Director MRW
Event sponsored by Cámara de Comercio Electrónico de Venezuela Cavecom-e - Caracas Venezuela
Marcel Imery - Advisor CEO
Samuel Galavis - Gerente de Marketplace Mercadolibre
Leon Salazar - Director MRW
Talk with Juan Carlos Fernandez, CEO of Open Insurances. TV Program: Secretos de un emprendedor
Juan Cristobal Carmona in a hi profile Venezuelan attorney expert in taxation and crypto law
Alejandro Rojas is an Venezuelan entrepreneur, currently working with Parrot Analytics in NYC
Oscar Rojas is CEO of Teckmovil - Guest speaker in our weekly Podcast "Startup Mentoring & Venturing" - Take note of his power tips as an entrepreneur
Jose Pio Hernandez is Executive Director of Plan Pais @ Washington DC - Guest speaker in our weekly Podcast "Startup Mentoring & Venturing"
As founder & host of the "Startup Mentoring & Venturing" podcast I conduct insightful interviews with top family office managers, venture capital fund managers, and startup founders, sharing valuable industry insights and expertise - New York - Spanish and English
Nacho Talks con Santiago Tamayo, CEO del Comité de Inversiones del Grupo Santa María Family Office
Nacho Talks con Javier Martinez y Eleonor MacQuhae, Managing Partners de Base Capital
Nacho Talks con Ivan Montoya, Managing Partners de NuMundo Ventures
Nacho Talks con Fernando Rivera y Carmen de la Cerda, Managing Partners de BuenTrip Ventures
Nacho Talks with Rajiv Kapoor Founding Partner Chai Ventures
Nacho Talks con Juan Turner Managing Partner Daedalus Ventures
Nacho Talks con Jaime Sotomayor Managing Partner Worthit VC
Nacho Talks con José Antonio (pepe) Pascual Head Cencosud Ventures
Nacho Talks con Bernardita Araya Gerente CMPC Ventures
Nacho Talks con Susana García-Robles - Managing Partner Capria Ventures
Nacho Tlaks con Sebastian Ibañez - Partner Dadneo Latam VC
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